Boxx Music Magazine
Boxx Music Magazine


Take women’s focused online music magazine and re-introduce it to a wider, interactive, and socially engaging audience, as well as broaden the roster of artists featured on its online platform.


I did this by re-awakening the brand’s logo and making it more all-encompassing, and edgy.  It began with the new tagline from “where women are heard” to what I created: “Music hype. Without a type.” The brand, Boxx, already played off the two female chromosomes (xx, and another pun). We wanted to keep the name, but broaden the scope — allowing for more general artists coverage, as well we preserving the initial premise: make sure talented musicians, who happen to be female, get the proper shout-out’s, interviews, and press they deserve for their talents, bodies of work, and genius in what is, and was, a very male-dominated music industry. Before, maybe a smaller net was cast. Now, a wider net was. After six months, social engagement and website page views spiked more than 35%.


Boxx Magazine

+ See more of my work for this brand

>> I wrote features, produced video content and interviewed a roster of new talent for the re-awakened publication.