
Forex Trading

Forex Trading

Top 8 Image-Processing Python Libraries Used in Machine Learning

If your aim is to perform some basic processing, then the techniques that you learned in this tutorial may be all you need. You’ve learned how to crop and rotate images, resize them, and extract color bands from color images. However, none of the actions that you’ve taken so far have made any changes to the content of the image. In this section, you’ll learn about image processing features in the Python Pillow library. Image processing focuses on manipulating and analyzing digital images using computational algorithms to enhance their visual quality or extract useful information. It deals primarily with low-level tasks such as filtering, segmentation, and feature extraction.

Hashes for pillow-10.3.0-cp38-cp38-manylinux_2_28_aarch64.whl

In the second pass, the same one-dimensional kernel is used to blur in the remaining direction. The resulting effect is the same as convolving with a two-dimensional kernel in a single pass. Let’s see an example to understand what gaussian filters do to an image. Structuring element is a matrix consisting of only 0’s and 1’s that can have any arbitrary shape and size. It is positioned at all possible locations in the image and it is compared with the corresponding neighbourhood of pixels.

Image Formats and Conversion

You can use the image processing techniques called erosion and dilation to create a better mask that represents the cat. In this section, you’ve learned about several filters available in the ImageFilter module that you can apply to images. You can see a list of all the filters available in the ImageFilter documentation. You can also use the .GaussianBlur() filter, which uses a Gaussian blur kernel. The Gaussian kernel puts more weight on the pixels at the center of the kernel than those at the edges, and this leads to smoother blurring than what’s obtained with the box blur.

Composite two images

If you prefer to remove this outline, you can crop the image using .crop(). The erosions and dilations have modified the image to keep the hole but remove the dot. The number of erosions and dilations needed depends on the image and what you want to achieve. Often, you’ll need to find the right combination through trial and error. The function that you use determines how each point transforms.

  1. Pgmagick allows users to leverage the powerful features of GraphicsMagick and ImageMagick directly from Python, making it a versatile tool for both simple and complex image processing workflows.
  2. The number of erosions and dilations needed depends on the image and what you want to achieve.
  3. You can achieve dilation by using ImageFilter.MaxFilter(3), which converts a pixel to white if any of its neighbors are white.
  4. The watermark has a rectangular outline, which is a result of the contour filter that you used earlier.
  5. It is especially useful as an image module for working with images in Python, and it includes two specific methods for reading and displaying images.
  6. SciPy empowers users to perform diverse image processing operations efficiently.

Mahotas is an array-based algorithm suite that has more than 100 functions for computer vision and image processing, and it is still expanding. To install Mahotas library in Python execute the below command in the terminal. Image blurring is the technique of reducing the detail of an image by averaging the pixel values in the neighborhood.

We can install PIL/Pillow library in Python by executing below command in the terminal. A Python package called Scipy is helpful for resolving a variety of mathematical problems and procedures. It is built upon the NumPy library, which provides further flexibility in locating scientific mathematical formulas, including LU Decomposition, polynomial equations, matrix rank, and inverse. By utilizing its high-level functions, the code’s complexity will be greatly reduced, improving data analysis. While the SciPy library is not primarily focused on image processing, it provides several modules that are highly useful for handling and manipulating images.

Thresholding can be used to segment images when the object to segment is distinct from the background. You can achieve better results with versions of the original image that have higher contrast. When you look at an image, it’s relatively easy to determine the edges of objects within that image.

Its seamless integration with NumPy facilitates complex mathematical computations, rendering it indispensable for scientific research, medical imaging, and engineering applications. Scikit-Image is a Python module for image processing that utilizes NumPy arrays, a set of image processing methods. It provides a collection of algorithms for image processing, computer vision, and computer graphics.

The package currently includes linear and non-linear filtering functions, binary morphology, B-spline interpolation and object measurements. PIL (Python Imaging Library) is an open-source library for image processing tasks that requires python programming language. PIL can perform tasks on an image such as reading, rescaling, saving in different image formats. The role of image processing is to extract useful information from images, enhance their visual quality, and automate tasks related to image analysis and interpretation. Matplotlib is a versatile Python library primarily used for creating static, interactive, and animated visualizations. While it is not specifically designed for image processing, Matplotlib includes functionalities that make it useful in this domain.

In median blurring, the median of all the pixels of the image is calculated inside the kernel area. The central value is then replaced with the resultant median value. Median blurring is used when there are salt and pepper noise in the image.

Pgmagick allows users to leverage the powerful features of GraphicsMagick and ImageMagick directly from Python, making it a versatile tool for both simple and complex image processing workflows. With its extensive capabilities, Pgmagick is widely used in various applications requiring image processing and manipulation. While taking photographs is as simple as pressing a button, processing and improving those images sometimes takes more than a few lines of code. That’s where image processing libraries like OpenCV come into play. OpenCV is a popular open-source package that covers a wide range of image processing and computer vision capabilities and methods. It supports multiple programming languages including Python, C++, and Java.

As the name says, image processing means processing the image and this may include many different techniques until we reach our goal. This article will teach you about classical algorithms, techniques, and tools to process the image and get the desired output. PyCairo is a set of Python bindings for the graphics library computer vision libraries Cairo. Vector graphics are interesting because they don’t lose clarity when you resize or transform them. The animation below visualizes a rigid CT/MR registration process created with SimpleITK and Python. The documentation has instructions for installation and examples covering every module of the library.

Mahotas is an independent module in itself i.e. it has minimal dependencies. It is the core part of computer vision which plays a crucial role in many real-world examples like robotics, self-driving cars, and object detection. Image processing allows us to transform and manipulate thousands of images at a time and extract useful insights from them.

Forex Trading

Skorygowana EBITDA grupy KGHM wyniosła w I kw 1,55 mld zł

Oczywiście niezwykle istotny jest sam projekt uwzględniający specyfikę parkietu, sposób ułożenia oraz wybór ekipy wykonawczej. W tym aspekcie nie ma mowy o jakichkolwiek oszczędnościach, jeżeli zależy nam na odpowiednim efekcie. Gremi Media zanotowała dynamiczny wzrost, osiągając w listopadzie 6,45 miliona realnych użytkowników. To znaczący skok o ponad 2 miliony nowych czytelników w ciągu roku. Jeszcze dynamiczniej rosnąca liczba odsłon generowanych przez użytkowników świadczy o rosnącym zaangażowaniu społeczności korzystającej z treści Gremi Media.

Wypróbuj za darmo

Także akacja niekoniecznie będzie dobrym wyborem, gdyż jest wrażliwa na wysokie temperatury. Jest to niewątpliwie wyjątkowo luksusowe, Pepsico: Król przekąsek i napojów bezalkoholowych a zarazem bardzo eleganckie rozwiązanie. Drewno egzotyczne wyróżnia się wyjątkową trwałością i odpornością na uszkodzenia mechaniczne.

Huśtawka rentowności budowniczych mieszkań

Skutkuje to szybszym działaniem strony oraz jej elementów na smartfonach i tabletach korzystających z internetu mobilnego. Dużym atutem jest nowe, bardziej przejrzyste menu, które w bardziej przystępny sposób pozwala użytkownikowi na dotarcie do interesujących go treści. Dzięki uproszczonej nawigacji użytkownicy mogą w bardziej intuicyjny sposób przemieszczać się po stronie, korzystającego zarówno z urządzeń mobilnych, jak i desktopowych.

Sobiesław Kozłowski, Noble Securities: Bal na giełdach trwa. Dobry moment do zmiany struktury portfela

  1. Jest to jednak broń obosieczna, o czym szczególnie trzeba pamiętać przy realnych inwestycjach.
  2. Wszystkie nasze główne wskaźniki notowały w ciągu dnia rekordy tej odsłony hossy lub rekordy wszech czasów.
  3. Rozsądnym rozwiązaniem są parkiety gotowe z budową warstwową i prostopadłym ułożeniem słojów w każdej warstwie.
  4. Dlatego nie powinno się stosować buku, klonu czy grabu.

W tym tygodniu krajowy rynek akcji porusza się raczej niemrawo, zwłaszcza jeśli porównamy go z dwoma poprzednimi tygodniami. Czołówka Parkiet Challenge w tych warunkach i tak radzi sobie doskonale. W czasach baroku w Hiszpanii, a właściwie w całej Europie, stwierdzono, że mocny smak czekolady sprawia, iż doskonale nadaje się ona do zaprawienia trucizną. Rozpoczęło się przygotowanie do przenoszenia ciężkiej broni zgromadzonej przed Muzeum Wojska Polskiego na Cytadelę.

Piotr Kaźmierkiewicz, BM Pekao: Najciekawsza część hossy przed nami

Proszę wyobrazić sobie, jakie miałoby to konsekwencje dla doradztwa inwestycyjnego – mówi Kacper Nosarzewski, futurysta, partner w firmie badawczej 4CF. Wyniki osiągnięte w I kwartale oczywiście cieszą, ale nasze ambicje są zdecydowanie większe. Jeśli będziemy mieli kompletny produkt, pozyskamy jeszcze więcej klientów – mówi Omar Arnaout, prezes XTB. W naszym aktualnym scenariuszu nie widać powrotu inflacji bazowej, czyli po wyłączeniu cen żywności i energii, do celu Narodowego Banku Polskiego – mówi Grzegorz Maliszewski, główny ekonomista Banku Millennium.

Warto było więc trzymać się trendu, ale o zwycięstwie w drugim tygodniu Parkiet Challenge decydowały ułamki procent. Aby zwyciężyć w kolejnym tygodniu gry giełdowej, znów trzeba było osiągnąć dwucyfrową stopę zwrotu. Postawienie wszystkiego na jedną kartę może się okazać skuteczną strategią, Konstantin Kondakow i jego firma Kondakov Asset Management co pokazuje gra giełdowa Parkiet Challenge. Jest to jednak broń obosieczna, o czym szczególnie trzeba pamiętać przy realnych inwestycjach. Zakończyła się pierwsza część Parkiet Challenge. Cztery tygodnie zmagań wyłoniły dziesiątkę najlepszych uczestników, która teraz zmierzy się w finale.

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Przed nami kolejna edycja gry giełdowej Parkiet Challenge. Na stronie można już rejestrować się do rozgrywki. W poniedziałek ruszył pierwszy etap gry giełdowej Parkiet Challenge. Na najlepszych czekają nagrody finansowe oraz rzeczowe. Rynek w krótkim terminie powinien sprzyjać uczestnikom gry giełdowej – twierdzą eksperci. Walka o jak najwyższe stopy zwrotu i nagrody dla najlepszych w Parkiet Challenge zapowiada się pasjonująco.

Dużym plusem jest natomiast możliwość miejscowej naprawy kiedy podłogi drewniane doznają uszkodzenia. Przede wszystkim należy zwrócić uwagę na gatunek drewna na wymarzoną podłogę drewnianą. Na ogrzewanie podłogowe należy wykorzystywać jedynie surowiec o stosunkowo niskim współczynniku skurczu i długim czasie osiągania równowagi higroskopijnej. Dlatego nie powinno się stosować buku, klonu czy grabu.

Nie wiadomo jednak, kiedy muzeum wojska opuści gmach Muzeum Narodowego w Warszawie. Watykan zaostrzył procedury oceny zgłaszanych nadprzyrodzonych zdarzeń, takich jak płaczące figury i krwawiące krucyfiksy, które od wieków budziły emocje wśród wiernych. Orlen zerwał współpracę z agencją rekrutacyjną Zioom po doniesieniach medialnych dotyczących skandalicznego traktowania pracowników zatrudnionych przy budowie kompleksu Olefiny III pod Płockiem. Posiadacze aut od lat zmagają się z zagrożeniem, jakim jest ich ewentualna kradzież. W przypadku pojazdów wyposażonych w technologię KeyLess popularną metodą kradzieży jest ta „na walizkę”. Z tego artykułu dowiesz się, na czym ona polega i jak skutecznie zabezpieczyć przed taką kradzieżą swój samochód.

– „Parkiet” to ważny tytuł i jedyny na rynku inwestorskim. Naszą siłą jest przede wszystkim dywersyfikacja. Nie czujemy się zagrożeni, jeśli chodzi o konkurencję krajową – mówi Grzegorz Zawada, dyrektor Biura Maklerskiego PKO BP. Zakończył się trzeci tydzień gry giełdowej Parkiet Challenge.

Przede wszystkim należy wziąć pod uwagę fakt, że oprócz ceny samego materiału trzeba uwzględnić wydatki związane z ułożeniem parkietu. Pomysł, aby drewniana podłoga była układana samodzielnie nie wydaje się dobry. Jednak pierwszą kwestią są oczywiście wydatki na materiał. Jeżeli komuś zależy na jakichkolwiek oszczędnościach w tym zakresie, to powinien rozważyć zakup drewna krajowego, np. Ceny są też zależne od klasy naturalnego drewna z jakiego powstanie drewniana podłoga.

Zadanie było trudne, bo do zakwalifikowania się potrzeba było ponad 20-proc. W środę w Sali Notowań GPW odbyła się ostatnia rozgrywka w ramach tegorocznej edycji gry giełdowej „Parkietu”. Poznaliśmy nazwisko zwycięzcy Parkiet Challenge.

Strona główna serwisu została skrócona, co pozwoliło na wyeksponowanie i wyselekcjonowanie treści najbardziej atrakcyjnych dla czytelników. Dużym udogodnieniem jest rozbudowana tabela notowań, która obecnie została Tokenexus na niej wyeksponowana w formie widgetu. Rozmieszczenie, wygląd i funkcjonalności elementów narzędziowych, takich jak notowania czy wykresy zostały zoptymalizowane pod kątem wydajności oraz wygody użytkowania.

KGHM International wypracował w I kwartale 247 mln zł skorygowanego zysku EBITDA wobec 169 mln zł straty w I kwartale 2023 roku. Wyniki kwartalne Cognora wypadły poniżej oczekiwań rynku. W czwartek kurs akcji hutniczej spółki spadał nawet o blisko 6 proc. Najpierw mówiliśmy o rekordowych wzrostach złota, potem uwagę inwestorów przykuło kakao, niektórzy mówią dziś o tym, że kawa także ma spory potencjał wzrostu, choć złota oczywiście nie przebije. Rosnące indeksy i wysokie obroty to dobra wiadomość dla GPW. Z tego artykułu dowiesz się jakie są zalety a jakie wady parkietu, oraz który parkiet wybrać na wymarzoną podłogę drewnianą w domu.

Najlepszy wynik w tym okresie wypracował „Bubr”, który zarobił 11,61 proc. Cały czas trwa też walka o awans do wielkiego finału. Warszawskie indeksy nie poddały się negatywnym nastojom panującym na większości dużych parkietów Europy. (DAX spadł o 0,8 proc., a CAC 40 o 0,6 proc. FTSE 250 ustanowił z kolei rekord – plus 0,2 proc.). Wszystkie nasze główne wskaźniki notowały w ciągu dnia rekordy tej odsłony hossy lub rekordy wszech czasów. Obroty na całym parkiecie wzrosły do 1,65 mld zł, czyli o około 100 mln zł.

Spodziewam się, że zainteresowanie licencjami i pracą na rynku kapitałowym będzie rosło, szczególnie że mamy obecnie do czynienia z luką pokoleniową – mówi Paweł Cymcyk, prezes Związku Maklerów i Doradców. W bazowym scenariuszu deweloper zakłada, że program dopłat do kredytów wejdzie we wrześniu, uwzględnia to cel sprzedaży 3000 mieszkań. Zastępca redaktora naczelnego dziennika „Rzeczpospolita”, odpowiedzialny za obszar ekonomia/gospodarka/biznes. Z wydawnictwem Gremi Media jest związany 11 lat. Był redaktorem naczelnym serwisu, szefem polskiej edycji amerykańskiego tygodnika Bloomberg Businessweek, a także Magazynu Sukces. Wcześniej, wieloletni szef działu informacji w gospodarczym Radiu PiN.

W Grupie ITI był zaś dyrektorem programowym serwisu oraz twórcą i producentem autorskiego programu nadawanego pod taką samą nazwą na antenie TVN. W przeszłości związany był również z TVP1, RTL 7, Radiem ZET i Radiem Kolor. Za nami drugi tydzień zmagań w ramach gry giełdowej “Parkietu”. Tym razem zawodnicy musieli postarać się mocniej. Ubiegły tydzień przyniósł nowy rekord wszech czasów WIG. Z kolei WIG20 i mWIG40 wspięły się na najwyższe poziomy w tym roku.

Większość notowanych spółek miała niższą rentowność brutto ze sprzedaży i netto niż rok wcześniej. Ale liderzy tak poprawili wskaźniki, że średnie tego nie pokazują. Na horyzoncie nowa fala wzrostów kosztów budowy. Gazeta Giełdy i Inwestorów „Parkiet” to najstarszy dziennik ekonomiczny w Polsce, który już od blisko 30 lat wspiera decyzje inwestorów oraz specjalistów związanych z rynkiem kapitałowym.

„Parkiet” zawiera zbiór newsów z kraju i zagranicy, liczne analizy i prognozy najlepszych w kraju ekonomistów i analityków, maklerów i zarządzających – dla walut, indeksów, surowców czy spółek giełdowych. Dopełnieniem są pogłębione komentarze, rozmowy i felietony znanych osobistości polskiego rynku finansowego. Kontynuację i rozwinięcie tematyki z wydania papierowego od blisko 24 lat stanowi kierowany do szerokiego grona osób zainteresowanych inwestycjami, gospodarką czy rynkiem finansowym serwis Rezultatem zaawansowanych prac nad witryną jest zmiana szaty graficznej oraz layoutu.

Nie można przekraczać wartości 26°C i to nawet pod meblami. W całym pomieszczeniu temperatura powinna wynosić 20-22°C, a wilgotność względna powietrza 45-50%. Takie wartości minimalizują skutki kurczliwości naturalnego drewna i zarazem stwarzają optymalny klimat dla domowników. Całościowe koszty inwestycji zależą od kilku czynników.

Rodzaj drewna to jedno, ale trzeba również zwrócić uwagę na grubość i szerokość deszczułek. Tradycyjne deski parkietowe, deski podłogowe z litego drewna mają zazwyczaj ponad 15 mm, a to stwarza zbyt duży opór cieplny, więc skuteczność ogrzewania byłaby bardzo niska. Ponadto są za szerokie i przy niskiej wilgotności względnej powietrza mogłoby dochodzić do niezbyt estetycznych szczelin pomiędzy poszczególnymi elementami. Zdecydowanie lepszy jest parkiet sztorcowy, odpowiedni parkiet mozaika lub cienki parkiet o węższych deszczułkach w porównaniu z tradycyjną klepką mającą 7-8 cm szerokości. Rozsądnym rozwiązaniem są parkiety gotowe z budową warstwową i prostopadłym ułożeniem słojów w każdej warstwie. Warto podkreślić, że deski podłogowe warstwowe charakteryzują się też wysoką stabilnością.

Przez mniej więcej dwa tygodnie należy utrzymać wartość temperatury na poziomie 24°C, a następnie stopniowo ją redukować do 15-18°C. Trzeba pamiętać, że przy układaniu podłogi temperatura podłoża nie może mieć mniej niż 15°C, ale też nie więcej niż 20°C, a w pomieszczeniu musi być minimum 18°C. Należy też zwrócić uwagę na względną wilgotność powietrza, która powinna wynosi około 60%. Parkiet układa się w identyczny sposób, jak w przypadku podłogi bez ogrzewania podłogowego. Deszczułki rozpakowuje się z folii i około 48 godzin muszą one poleżeć w pomieszczeniu, w którym zostaną zamontowane. Po tym czasie przykleja się deszczułki do jastrychu, z tym że należy zwrócić uwagę na rodzaj kleju i zastosować specjalny klej przeznaczony do ogrzewania podłogowego, który wytrzymuje temperaturę do 28°C.

Forex Trading

What Is MACD? Moving Average Convergence Divergence

how to read the macd

A bullish divergence appears when MACD forms two rising lows that correspond with two falling lows on the price. This is a valid bullish signal when the long-term trend is still positive. As shown on the following chart, when MACD falls below the signal line, it is a bearish signal indicating that it may be time to sell. Conversely, when MACD rises above the signal line, the signal is bullish, suggesting that the asset’s price might experience upward momentum. Crossovers are more reliable when they conform to the prevailing trend.

MACD divergences as early entries

  1. Can also select the Signal Line’s color, line thickness and visual type (Line is the default).
  2. Since moving averages accumulate past price data in accordance with the settings specifications, it is a lagging indicator by nature.
  3. MACD divergences are another great way to analyze the price and find early trend-following trades.
  4. The moving average convergence divergence (MACD) is a technical indicator that shows the relationship between two moving averages of an asset’s price.
  5. When MACD forms highs or lows that exceed the corresponding highs and lows on the price, it is called a divergence.

The primary method of interpreting the MACD is with moving average crossovers. The MACD indicator, also known as the MACD oscillator, is one of the most popular technical analysis tools. The main MACD line is the difference between the 26-period (usually days) and 12-period EMA. If you look at the chart below you’ll see that in general, the MACD line follows the trend of the stock price.

How to Read the MACD Histogram

That’s what I help my students do every day — scanning the market, outlining trading plans, and answering any questions that come up. This is because the difference between the lines at the time of the cross is 0. From the chart above, you can see that the fast line crossed UNDER the slow line and correctly identified a new downtrend. In this article, we focus on the MACD and the signal line in particular. The histogram is derived from the other two components of the MACD and, thus, doesn’t add as much explanatory value to overall MACD trading.

how to read the macd

When To Use And How To Read The MACD Indicator

The strength of the move is what determines the duration of Signal Line Crossover. Understanding and being able to analyze move strength, as well as being able to recognize false signals, is a skill that comes with experience. MACD uses 12 and 26 as the default number of days because these are the standard variables most traders use. However, you can use any combination of days to calculate the MACD that works for you. If prices change rapidly, the histogram bars grow longer as the speed of the price movement—its momentum—accelerates and shrinks as price movement decelerates. Read on to learn about the MACD and some of the MACD strategies used by traders.

The RSI is a popular momentum oscillator designed to determine overbought or oversold conditions. The signal line, typically a 9-period EMA of the MACD line, acts as a trigger for MACD signals. Comparing this line with the MACD line helps traders identify possible buy and sell signals based on crossovers. What makes the MACD such a valuable tool for technical analysis is that it is almost like two indicators in one. It can help to identify not just trends, but it can measure momentum as well. MACD is an extremely popular indicator used in technical analysis.

The MACD’s a, b, and c parameters are generally set to MACD(12,26,9). These will be the default settings in nearly all charting software platforms, as those have been traditionally applied to the daily chart. The variables a and b refer to the time periods used to calculate the MACD series mentioned in part 1 above.

how to read the macd

When the shorter-term 12-period exponential moving average (EMA) crosses over the longer-term 26-period EMA a potential buy signal is generated. I recommend you study some charts with EMAs, the corresponding MACD lines, and enough price action to see how things mesh. Remember, it’s easy to get caught up in technical indicators only to miss the bigger picture. These are tools — no matter what anyone says it’s not an exact science. If you don’t know how an EMA works, you might want to read this post I wrote about moving averages and how to calculate them.

MACD is known as a “centered-oscillator” because a cross above or below the zero centerline signals a change in momentum. The difference line, represented in the chart by the blue bars, is typically presented as a bar chart around the zero line. This bar chart represents the difference between the MACD line and the signal line. A narrowing of the difference line (i.e., when the bars decrease) illustrates the potential for a crossover. The difference line has widened in recent weeks, suggesting a crossover is not imminent.

Short-term buy-and-sell signals are generated by the MACD line and the signal line. If the MACD line crosses above the signal line, this may be interpreted as a buy signal. Alternatively, if the MACD line crosses below the signal line, this may be interpreted as a sell signal. In late July, the MACD line crossed below the signal line, generating a sell signal. MACD is a momentum oscillator that is generally best employed in trending markets—where prices are trending in a particular direction.

Much information suggests using the 9EMA and the 20EMA combined or the 8EMA and the 15EMA. Another MACD drawback is its inability to make comparisons between different securities. Because the MACD is the dollar value between the two moving averages, the reading for differently priced stocks provides little insight when comparing a number of assets to each other. In the previous examples, the various signals generated by this indicator are easily interpreted and can be quickly incorporated into any short-term trading strategy. At the most basic level, the MACD indicator is a very useful tool that can help traders ensure that short-term direction is working in their favor.

Crossovers can last a few days or weeks, depending on the movement’s strength. Examples can be instrumental in learning how to use technical analysis tools like the MACD to identify support levels and confirm uptrends. By studying example charts that illustrate these concepts, traders can see practical applications of spotting when a stock might bounce off a support or continue in an uptrend. These visual aids help solidify the basics and refine the application of theoretical knowledge in real trading scenarios.

MACD divergences are another great way to analyze the price and find early trend-following trades. The price entered a sideways consolidation period at point #3. The MACD pulled back all the way to the 0-line during the consolidation. The breakout of the MACD lines and the price action led to the next trending phase.

Conversely, when the MACD line crosses below the signal line, it might be time to sell. Additionally, if the MACD rises/falls to extreme levels, it can signify overbought or oversold conditions. Divergence between MACD and price movements can also indicate potential reversals.

A bullish signal occurs when the histogram goes from negative to positive. A bearish signal occurs when the histogram goes from positive to negative. Since moving averages accumulate past price data in accordance with the settings specifications, it is a lagging indicator by nature.

It measures how strong a trend is by comparing the trading range of a certain security with its closing price. The comparison is made by using a simple moving average (SMA) to smooth the results out. When the MACD crosses from below to above the zero line, it is considered a bullish signal.

All analysis should include support and resistance, volume, and tape. The signal is given when two moving averages spread out and move away from each other. By analyzing this movement, we can measure the strength of the presented trend. A “moving average” study presents “convergence and divergence” signals between the Value Line and the average line.

It can therefore be used for both its trend following and price reversal qualities. A Signal Line Crossover is the most common signal produced by the MACD. First one must consider that the Signal Line is essentially an indicator of an indicator.

Once you understand the parameters used to calculate MACD, you can adjust them to fit your trading strategy. Look back at the FNMA chart above with three different MACD setups on it. When you change the parameters, it changes how closely the MACD lines follow price action.

When the two EMAs cross at the price chart, the MACD line crosses below 0 as well – I marked the cross with an x and a vertical line. As aforementioned, the MACD line is very similar to the first derivative of price with respect to time. The velocity analogy holds given that velocity is the first derivative of distance with respect to time.

The moving average convergence divergence was invented by Gerald Appel. The MACD histogram is a visual representation of the difference between the MACD and its nine-day EMA—not highs and lows. The histogram is positive when the MACD is above its nine-day EMA and negative when the MACD is below its nine-day EMA. The point on the histogram where momentum is zero is the zero line. It’s important to treat day trading stocks, options, futures, and swing trading like you would with getting a professional degree, a new trade, or starting any new career. I’ve read many blogs suggesting a crossover is a trade entry signal; however, I’m afraid I have to disagree.

This bearish divergence acted as an early warning sign of things to come with the E-mini S&P 500 futures contract. Divergences might signal a trader to get out of a long or short position before profits erode. A possible buy signal is generated when the MACD (blue line) crosses above the zero line. This is seen on the Nasdaq 100 exchange traded fund (QQQQ) chart below with the two purple lines. We explore what the MACD indicator looks like on an example chart and how you can read it to gain trading insights.

MACD is based on EMAs with more weight placed on the most recent data, which means that it can react very quickly to changes of direction in the current price move. Crossovers of MACD lines should be noted, but confirmation should be sought from other technical signals, such as the RSI, or perhaps a few candlestick price charts. Because it is a lagging indicator, MACD argues that confirmation in subsequent price action should develop before taking the signal. Moving average convergence/divergence (MACD) is a technical indicator to help investors identify price trends, measure trend momentum, and identify market entry points for buying or selling.

In the screenshot below, the market was in a strong uptrend initially. During the trending phase (#4) the MACD stayed above the 0-line once again. Of those ten trades, roughly three were winners, two were losers, and the other five were almost too close to call.

Despite MACD’s obvious attributes, just like with any indicator, the trader or analyst needs to exercise caution. There are just some things that MACD doesn’t do well which may tempt a trader regardless. Most notably, traders may be tempted into using MACD as a way to find overbought or oversold conditions. Remember, MACD is not bound to a range, so what is considered to be highly positive or negative for one instrument may not translate well to a different instrument. The MACD is a great indicator that offers a trader’s perspective on the direction of the market trend, the strength, and signals of approaching trend changes or failing momentum.

Since the stock’s price is a little choppy, the MACD line is choppy. The standard MACD indicator subtracts the 26-day EMA from the 12-day EMA. This calculation produces the MACD line on a chart (example below).

When a bearish crossover occurs (i.e., MACD line crosses below the signal line), yet the security’s price increases, this is deemed a “false negative”. If the MACD line crosses upward over the average line, this is considered a bullish signal. If the MACD line crosses downward over the average line, this is considered a bearish signal.

Our research demonstrates that making money using a MACD system is difficult, especially when day trading. 5-minute charts using MACD typically lose 74% of trades with a reward-to-risk ratio of less than 2, so it is nearly impossible to make money using MACD. To interpret a MACD chart, locate the MACD line crossing up through the signal line, indicating a buy signal. Conversely, when the MACD line crosses down through the signal line, it is a trend reversal signaling the need to exit a trade or sell short. MACD is a poor indicator, so the best setting is the least worst. If you must use this indicator, use a daily chart and adjust the setting to match the asset you are trading.

The histogram is positive when the MACD line is above the signal line (bullish) and negative when the MACD line is below the signal line (bearish). This component helps traders understand the strength of the momentum and anticipate potential reversals. The MACD line is the heart of this indicator and is used to gauge the momentum and the direction of the stock’s price.

The primary buy signal is when the MACD crosses above the signal line. It’s graphically represented by the histogram moving above the zero line. Crossovers occur when the MACD line crosses above or below the signal line. When the MACD line crosses how to read the macd from below to above the signal line, it’s called a bullish crossover. When the MACD line crosses from above to below the signal line, it’s called a bearish crossover. That said, you know I’m about to give you the push to study, study, study.

Forex Trading

FXTM Review: Financial Trading Online Services Review 2023

This type of fee brings you the simplicity of the calculation and is the best suitable option for many traders despite the strategy. FXTM’s three Accounts offer various fee conditions, so the standard spread starts from 1.5 pips for USD / EUR / GBP / NGN. FXTM is regarded as a MetaTrader broker that offers the standard experience. FXTM maintains 60 currency pairs, 8 commodities, 21 index CFDs, 802 equity CFDs, and 639 US-listed stocks. The choice of commodities and index CFDs is limited, but the overall selection of trading instruments is competitive. I also like that Forextime offers 639 stocks for direct investments, albeit only US-listed ones.

ForexTime FXTM: Features

As a Metatrader based broker, FXTM offers both MT4 and MT5 mobile apps that are compatible with iOS and Android devices. FXTM also has their own app which traders can download, but their mobile app can only be used for account administration purposes. Traders must use the Metatrader apps for engaging in actual trade related activities.

How to Trade in FXTM?

From the table above, the spreads offered by FXTM MT4 Accounts are quite higher than those offered by the big names in the industry — for example, IC Markets, IG Markets, and Fusion Markets. There are webinars, seminars, platform tutorials, trading tools, research tools, a superb glossary, Forex news, Economic Calendar, Market outlooks, and Analyst analysis all remaining at your disposal. Trading Forex and Leveraged Financial Instruments involves significant risk and can result in the loss of your invested capital. You should not invest more than you can afford to lose and should ensure that you fully understand the risks involved. Before trading, please take into consideration your level of experience, investment objectives and seek independent financial advice if necessary. A glossary – There is an extremely comprehensive glossary of financial markets and trading terminology covering hundreds of different terms and concepts.

Trading Conditions

  1. Please note that your profile must be fully verified to request a withdrawal.
  2. This is a flexible and convenient way to access the commodities markets rather than purchasing the product outright and to diversify your portfolio.
  3. With the Forex News Timeline you can receive live market news straight into your trading platform or via the brokers website.
  4. FXTM offers an impressive product portfolio of spot metals and CFDs of popular asset classes such as forex, commodities, indices, and stocks.
  5. If you want to stick to MT4 and the massive back-library of custom indicators and EAs that have been developed for it, then you won’t have to worry about being forced to change by FXTM.

FXTM offers clients the opportunity to trade over 250 financial instruments, all from MT4/MT5. Trading on an ECN account ensures that you get the absolute best price in the market at any given time. FXTM use tiered commissions which mean commission costs will are lower if you hold more equity in your FXTM trading account and the more volume you trade. FXTM is known as a specialist MetaTrader broker, focusing its CFD trading platform offering exclusively on the MT4 and MT5 platforms.

All transfers are processed during standard business hours, Monday to Friday, although the time to receive funds back to the original account will vary. The broker’s stocks list is average, with 300+ US and European stock CFDs available. You can also make use of a wide range of market analysis resources which have been curated by the broker’s expert team.

The minimum deposit at FXTM for the Advantage and Advantage Plus accounts is $500 or its currency equivalent. While this figure is high, I rate the trading conditions offered here as more than worth the deposit size. FXTM also provides live chat on its website or via WhatsApp, Telegram, or Messenger. Since the product and services portfolio at FXTM remains well-explained, I doubt most traders will require assistance. FXTM ensures traders have swift access to a representative should the need arise. A demo account is available at FXTM, and I did not find a time restriction.

However, for the Micro Account, it uses a market-making model, which means that it matches trades in-house and sometimes becomes the counterparty for the trade. One benefit of this model of execution is that it offers ultra-fast execution speed, as the orders don’t wait for a counterparty order to be executed — the broker becomes the counterparty. FXTM does not charge any withdrawal fees on all payment options available. However, payments that involve overseas banking institutions may attract intermediary transfer fees from either party, which is independent of FXTM. If you require more tools along with powerful customization you better choose the Desktop version. MetaTrader supports all kinds of devices including PC, and MAC as well as an accessible Multi Terminal that is useful for money managers.

The FXTM website is very user friendly and the company also has a top notch customer service. I had to withdraw part of my money, and I had difficulties with the procedure. The account manager, Najib Atallah made exceptional efforts to help me out. He understood my situation, articulated to me why there is difficulty from FXTM’s side, and listed to me the various options I have. Then worked with me and the Backoffice relentlessy to get things resolved. I believe he is a great example of account manager that do care about customers and make them happy while at the same time, keep the company’s procedures adhered.

Spreads are generally higher, often twice as high, than commission-based offers, and FXTM is no exception. This account is similar to the ECN zero account but spreads start from just 0.1 pips and there is a small commission charge of $2 per lot. Spreads are usually tighter and execution speeds superior on an ECN account. FXTM Trading Signals are available in MyFXTM via a technical analysis tool that provides data and assessments of market movements across a range of trading instruments. If you are new to trading and looking for some inspiration, these signals can give you a foundation to work from. However, I wouldn’t take blindly without doing my own additional market analysis for confirmation.

If you have experience trading with FXTM please share your personal review of the broker and what you think are strong and weak points. Compare the markets and instruments offered by FXTM and its competitors. Please note, some markets may only be available via CFDs or other derivatives. Compare FXTM with the top 3 similar brokers that accept traders from your location.

Unfortunately, this means that if you’re looking to use cTrader, then you are unable to with this broker. We can assure you that we always act with our clients’ best interests and are continually striving to provide the best possible support. The Company does not interfere with Clients’ trading activity, nor does it manipulate the prices received from its Liquidity Provider. This goes against both regulation and our corporate ethics.Kindly send us an email to with your MyFXTM number, trading account number and all the information regarding the aforementioned situation.

Written by their in-house experts, they go into great detail and cover a wide range of topics suitable for both beginner and advanced traders. The broker provides you with a free Currency Convertor tool for you to be able to quickly calculate the foreign exchange rates of major FX currency pairs. Yes, traders can request leverage changes by contacting FXTM customer care, subject to approval.

A huge selection of educational resources and 24/5 customer support help traders make the most informed decisions. You will find that there are lots of funding options which can be used for convenient deposits without any fee. Negative balance protection and FCA’s strict regulation both make FXTM an ideal choice for traders who are looking for a safe trading environment. Apart from spreads, the account types and range of instruments is basically a summary when it comes to the differences between the MetaTrader 4 trading platform and the MetaTrader experience. This includes news headlines stream from ForexStreet while offering MT4 and MT5 web.

Learn more about how FXTM can elevate your trading experience, whether you are a seasoned professional or new to the world of financial trading. We kindly ask you to send us your MyFXTM number to and all the necessary information regarding this situation. We will be glad to investigate your case and provide you with a detailed answer. The speedy fxtm broker reviews response of the chatroom, was a major encouragement for me.When I was having issues with deposit, there was always help a click away.And I am happy to have an assigned account manager. The minimum deposit to open a Live account is $ 5 for the Cents Account. There’s a rollover interest (swap) charged or received for holding positions overnight.